State Postal History Listings
Bushton 1912 4b-Bar Rice f $5.00
Town Name in Cancel - Date - Type of Cancel - Post Office Operation - Type of Cover - Other Important Information - County - Condition - Price
Stapleton 1902 numeral duplex 1847-1917 2c Liberty Postal Card to Germany Richmond f $10.00
Town Name in Cancel - Date - Type of Cancel - Post Office Operation - Type of Cover - Other Important Information - County - Condition - Price
Long Reach c1865 ms 1862-1929 3c Washington 1861 Issue Tyler f $20.00
All items may be assumed to be sound, canceled in black ink on a standard size envelope with common franking for the period. Exceptions are noted.
PC -
picture post card
cds - circular date
DPO - discontinued post
c - circa
ms - manuscript
Machine cancels are described in the form Machine maker- Cancel Type. The machine makers are abbreviated with a three-letter abbreviation. To help identify machines, the county abbreviation is capitalized. If you don't understand any of the machine maker abbreviations, or if you'd like to find out the standard work that describes the maker's cancel types, please call.
Markings are graded on the following scale:
vf very fine - Clear
and without defect
f fine - Easily readable
g good - Readable, but with some problems