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5f Crown of St. Stephen Postal Card 1901 Vukovar to Wien, Austria. Toning and corners rounded.
HU011104 $10.00
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5f Crown of St. Stephen Postal Card 1903 Orsoia 1 to Oldenburg, Germany.
HU030220 $10.00
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5f Turul and Crown of St. Stephen 1906 Sopron PPC (Szinbazter Theaterplatz) to Wien, Austria.
HU061208 $10.00
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5f Crown of St. Stephen Postal Card 1909 Fogaras to Passau, Germany. Discoloration.
HU090813 $10.00
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35f 'Turul' and Crown of St. Stephen c1910 Gyongyos Registered to Budapest.
HU100000 $20.00
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5f Crown Postal Card 1910 Fiume to Trieste.
HU100115 $15.00
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5f Crown of St. Stephen Postal Card 1910 Versecz to Landshut, Germany. Toning.
HU100808 $10.00
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5f 'Tural" and Crown of St. Stephen 1910 Budapest-Zimony PPC (Pozdraviz Petrowanadina) to Zagreb. Illustrated Label Tied Prosvjetom Slobodi.
HU100814 $25.00
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5f Crown Postal Card 1911 Kassa 2 now Slovakia to Strasburg (Uckermark), Germany.
HU110402 $15.00
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10f Crown of St. Stephen Letter Card No Selvedge 1911 Cirkvenica to Hamburg, Germany. Piece torn out at right.
HU110900 $10.00
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10f Turul and Crown of St. Stephen 1914 Fiume to Trieste. Printed Advertising Filiale Nagel Adolf Fiokja, Fiume. EUROPEAN SIZE.
HU140219 $20.00
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5f Crown of St. Stephen Postal Card 1915 Losoncz to Triebes, Germany with Felulvizsgalva Uberpruft Budapest Hungarian censor. Toning.
HU150315 $10.00
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5f Crown Postal Card 1915 K.u.K. Etappenpostamt, Jedrzjow to Budapest. Austria Military and, Jedrzjow Censors.
HU150500 $25.00
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10f+2f Turul and Crown of St. Stephen Overprinted Hadi segely ozegyeknek es arvaknek het (2) filler semipostal 1915 Rozahegy to Miskolcz. Corner card Elszasz Arpad, Ugynoksege, Rozahegy. Opening tears at top. Austria K.u.K. Militarzensur snf Liptoszentmiklos Censors. EUROPEAN SIZE.
HU150605 $15.00
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5f Crown Postal Card 1915 Kassa Local use. Kassa Censor.
HU150621 $15.00
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5f +2f Crown Postal Card with red sl overprint Hadi segely ozegyeknek es arvaknek ket (2) filler 1915 Kassa to Wien. Austria K.u.K. Militarzensur, Sitz der Kommission: Kassa Censor.
HU150623 $15.00
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5f Crown of St. Stephen Postal Card 1915 Budapest 62 to Munich, Germany with Felulvizsgalva Uberpruft Budapest censor.
HU150724 $15.00
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2f Crown Special Delivery on 8f Crown Postal Card 1916 Zagreb Special Delivery to Lienz, Tirol. K.u.K. Zagreb Censor.
HU160131 $40.00
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2f Turul and Crown of St. Stephen on 8f Crown Postal Card 1916 Budapest to St. Gallen, Switzerland. Feldkirch Austria Censor.
HU160700 $20.00
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5f Turul and Crown of St. Stephen on 5f Crown Postal Card 1917 Sopron to Zurich, Switzerland. Light creases. Austria Censor.
HU170000 $15.00