Search Results - 8 Matches

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 Military Free Mail c1910 Tresor et Postes Aux Armees, Casablanca to Paris with sl hs Troupes Debarquees au Maroc and circular hs Troupes Debarquees au Maroc, Bureau Topographique, Le Chef de Service.
MK100121 $20.00

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 25c City Gate, Chella (4) and 50c Koutoubiah, Marrakesh 1929 Casablanca, Postes Maroc Airmail to Paris, France Forwarded to Bagnoles Ferry, France. Illustrated Advertising Pudlottu - Mobile, Installe & Décor. Stain. EUROPEAN SIZE.
MK290424 $20.00

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 75c Biplane Over Casablanca 1929 Casablanca Postes, Maroc Airmail to Bagnolet, France. Toning. EUROPEAN SIZE.
MK291119 $20.00

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 90c Court of the Medersa el Attarine at Fez 1934 Casablanca, Maroc PPC (Casablanca - Le Bould du 4e Zouaves et la Rue de Foucault) to Vienna, Austria.
MK341226 $10.00

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 3F Fez c1940 Casablanca PPC to Baltimore, Md. Cancel unreadable.
MK400000 $10.00

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 2F and 3F (2) Fez c1942 Marrakech Medina, Maroc Airmail to Basel, Switzerland. Reverse Illustrated Corner card Hotel de La Mamounia, Marrakech. Tear on reverse. French Morocco Censor and Germany censor.
MK421122 $15.00

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 U.S. 3c The White House Plate Number 24212 Single 1951 Casablanca-Postes, Maroc with sl Paquebot Hosking 2747 to Steubenville, Ohio. S.S. Ocean Victory hs. Philatelic.
MK510716 $15.00

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 20c King Hassan II (3) 1964 Casablanca Airmail to Berlin, Germany. Creases. EUROPEAN SIZE.
MK641005 $10.00