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 5gr Imperial Eagle 1919 Poznan to Triebes, Germany. Crease.
PO190320 $10.00

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 15h Polish Eagle 1920 Gask, POW Jnowroclawski to Munich, Germany.
PO200000B $35.00

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 20k Eagle and Fasces 1920 Gniezno to Bitterfeld, Germany. Crease. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO200326 $10.00

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 5m Polish Eagle and 10m Sower and Rainbow of Hope (2) 1921 Pelplin to Langendreer, Germany.
PO211019 $15.00

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 1M Polish Eagle and 10m Sower on 4M Polish Eagle Postal Card 1921 Bydgoszcz to Bremen, Germany.
PO211210 $15.00

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 1m, 2m, and 40f Overprinted 3m (5) Polish Eagle, and 10m and 20m Sower 1922 Poznan 3b to Dusseldorf, Germany. Crease and reduced at top. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO220812 $15.00

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 5m and 25m (2) Polish Eagle on 8m Polish Eagle Postal Card 1922 Bydgoszcz to Bremen, Germany.
PO221103 $15.00

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 10f Imperial Eagle (2) c1923 Tarnowo to Triebes, Germany. Toning. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO230000 $10.00

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 15g Wawel Castle at Cracow (2) 1926 Miedzyrzec k. Lukowa to Offenburg, Germany. Corner card I. H. Chajet, Fabryka, Miedzyrzec-Podlaski. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO260300 $10.00

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 15g Wawel Castle at Cracow (2), 20g Ship of State, 30g Sobieski Statue at Lwow 1927 Krakow Registered to Munich. Corner card Zaklady Reprodukcyjne 'Akropol'. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO270311 $15.00

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 40g Wawel Castle at Cracow 1927 Miedzyrzec k. Lukowa to Offenburg, Germany. Corner card 'Szczecina' Miedzyrzec-Podlaski. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO270819 $10.00

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 50g Marshall Pilsudski 1930 Miedzyrzec k. Lukowa to Offenburg, Germany. Corner card A. Angielczyk, Miedzyrzec Podlaski. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO300807 $10.00

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 15g Polish Eagle on 15g Ship Marshall Pilsudski Postal Card 1935 Byogoszcz to Leipzig, Germany. Brown spot and bottom right corner creased. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO351127 $10.00

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 15g University at Lwow, 25g Belvedere Palace, and 55g Marshal Smigly-Rydz 1937 Tarnow 2 Airmail to Johannesburg, South Africa with Greece money control hs and reverse Athinai Poste Aerienne transit. Reverse franked. Piece torn out at top left and on reverse.
PO370810 $25.00

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 5g Church at Czestochowa, 30g Castle in Mira and 1Z Cathedral, Wilno 1937 Krakow Airmail to Johannesburg, South Africa with Greece money control hs and reverse transits Lwow 2 and Athinai Poste Aerienne. Reverse franked.
PO370818 $25.00

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 50G Cloth Hall, Cracow 1937 Gdynia-Port, Polski Airmail to London, England. Corner card The Anitas Liliputanertruppe, Warszawa. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO371005 $20.00

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 20g Municipal Building, Katowice 1937 Warszawa 2 Parcel Card to Gorlice.
PO371108 $10.00

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 20g Katowice Municipal Building 1937 Poznan Parcel Card to Gorlice.
PO371110 $10.00

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 55g Marshall Smigly-Rydz 1938 Plock to Orchard Lake, Mich. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO380819 $10.00

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 25g Pilsudski, 25g Narutowicz, 25g President Moscicki and 25g Smigly-Rydz 20th Anniversity of Polish Independence Souvenir Sheet 1939 Warsaw 'LOT' LOT Polish Airlines First Flight Warsaw via Gdynia to Copenhagen. Muller 162. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO390515 $50.00