Search Results - 11 Matches

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 Angola 1/2c and 2 1/2c Ceres 1920 PPC (Views of Ochileso School and In Camp) to Sedgwick, Kans. Small crease. ancel unreadable.
AJ200729 $15.00

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 Angola 4F Arms of Constantine 1943 Alger R.P., Algerie to Philadelphia, Penn. Corner card Societe d'Expansion Medicale & Phamaceutique, Alger. EUROPEAN SIZE.
AJ430515 $10.00

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 Angola 85c Ceres Overprinted 35c 1945 Correios a Telegrafos, Ancci Bela Vista to New York, N.Y. with sl Not at Add. Given and Forwarded within New York. Wrinkles.
AJ450924 $20.00

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 Angola 2a Ceres (4) 1947 CTT-Angola, Lobito Airmail to Philadelphia, Penn. via Leopoldville, Belgian Congo.
AJ471222 $20.00

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 Angola Great Britain 1 1/2d QEII Wilding c1950 C.I.T. Angola, Lobito Printed matter to Yardville, N.J. with hs s/s Lindi.
AJ500716 $15.00

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 Angola 4a Holy Year showing Church Bells (2) 1950 Nova Lisboa, CIT Angola Airmail to Chicago, Ill. Inscribed Irmaos Machado & Cia., Nova Lisboa. Tear at top left.
AJ501109 $15.00

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 Angola 1.50a Lobito Edificio dos C.T.T. Air Letter 1952 Angola Correios, Luanda Central Airmail to Lisbon, Portugal.
AJ520331 $10.00

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 Angola 50c Map of Angola and 4E Costumes 1952 Angola Correio-Aereo, Luanda Central Airmail to Moelln Lauenburg, Germany. EUROPEAN SIZE.
AJ521012 $15.00

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 Angola 2.50E Fleet of P. A. Cabral and 6.50E Arms of Negage 1970 Varig First Flight Luanda, Angola to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sealing stains on reverse.
AJ700623 $10.00

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 Angola 1a Planes Over Globe (4) 1995 C.T.T. Luanda Airmail to Los Angeles, Calif.
AJ950223 $15.00

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 U.S. Fleet Post Office 2c Defense and 3c Jefferson Prexie (2) 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, S.S. James E. Haviland Airmail to Jamaica, N.Y. Reverse Corner card American Red Cross. Ragged at right and one stamp damaged. U.S. Censor.
FP440511D $10.00