Jim Forte Postal History

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Search Results - 3 Matches

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300R Mercury, 10R Fonseca Official Overprinted 50 Rs. and 600R Fonseca Official Overprinted 300 Rs. 1930 Cia Aeronautical Brasilera Linnas First Flight Natal to Recife with red boxed Correio Aereo Linnas C.A.B. EUROPEAN SIZE.


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20R Fonseca Official Overprinted Servico Aereo 1000 Rs., 200R Aviation and 300R Augusto Severo's Airship 'Pax' (3) 1931 Correio Aereo - 2a Seccao. - Rio Airmail to New York, N.Y. Printed Advertising A. Barros & Cia. Ltd. Ferragens, Tintas e Artigos de Cosinha. Reverse boxed sl hs Via Panair Correspondencia Aerea Systema Pan American Airways. One stamp damaged. EUROPEAN SIZE.


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600R Fonseca Official Overprinted Servico Aereo 300 Rs. And 700R First Colonization of Brazil at Sao Vicente 1933 Fortaleza (CE), 4a Sec.-Manha Airmail to Hartford, Conn. Discoloration around 700R stamp.


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