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 Ceylon 6c QV Postal Card 1899 Colombo via Ligne T, Paq. Fr. No. 6 to Apolda, Germany.
CE!991117 $25.00

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 Ceylon 6c KEVII 1905 Gampaha PPC (A View of the Estate showing a river bridge) to Witham, England Forwarded to Broughton. Toning.
CE050225 $15.00

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 Ceylon 3d KEVII 1905 Colpetty to Ottawa, Ont. Canada. Some edge wear..
CE050531 $15.00

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 Ceylon 5c KGV (3) 1916 Negombo to Hanover, Penn. Colombo Ceylon Censor.
CE160606 $15.00

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 Ceylon 2c and 10c KGV 1927 Colombo PPC (Temple Elephants about to Bathe, Kandy, Ceylon) to Sergeant Bluff, Iowa.
CE270219 $15.00

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 Ceylon 2c and 6c (3) KGV 1932 Tellippalai to Wooster, Ohio. Corner card Training School, Tellippalai, Ceylon. Toning.
CE320505 $20.00

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 Ceylon 9c and 30c KGV 1933 Colombo Airmail to London, England. Inscribed Karachi-London Air-Mail. Toning.
CE330726 $20.00

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 Ceylon 9c KGV Jubilee 1935 Colombo to Charlottetown, P.E.I. Canada. Boxed Advertising Handstamp Drink Ceylon Tea, The World's Best.
CE350626 $15.00

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 Ceylon 9c KGVI Coronation 1937 Galle to Birmingham, England. Crease.
CE370707 $10.00

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 Ceylon 3c Adam's Peak and 6c Colombo Harbor 1941 Yatiyantota to New York, N.Y. Nicks at top and bottom. EUROPEAN SIZE.
CE410211 $15.00

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 Ceylon 25c KGVI Temple of the Tooth, Kandy 1941 Colombo to Bloomington, Ill. Corner card On His Majesty's Service. Ceylon censor.
CE410305 $15.00

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 Ceylon 6c KGV and 10c KGVI Sigiriya (Lion Rock) (2) 1941 Kiriella to New York, N.Y. Corner card Galatura Estate, Kiriella. Ceylon censor.
CE410605 $15.00

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 Ceylon 5c KGV (3) 1942 Colombo to Cairo, Egypt. Reverse Corner card George Payne & Co., (Ceylon), Limited. Toning. Ceylon and Egypt Censors.
CE420918 $20.00

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 Ceylon 5c Coconut Palms (2) 1944 Werellagama to Nattarasan Kottai, South India. Inscribed Tamil Letter. Reverse Franked. Ceylon censor.
CE440905 $20.00

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 Ceylon 25c D. S. Senanayake - Independence Celebration and 50c KGVI Wild Elephants 1949 Colombo Airmail to Louisville, Ky. with boxed sl By Air Up to London Only and sl Deficiency in Address Supplied St. Louis, Mo. Nixie Clerk. Soiling and back flap torn.
CE490716 $20.00

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 Ceylon 10c KGVI Sigiriya (Lion Rock) 1951 Trincomalee to Nerkuppai, Remnad, India. Corner card Rm. P. Ramanathan Chettiar, Pawn Brokers & Jewellers, Trincomalee 6. Discoloration on stamp.
CE510322 $15.00

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 Ceylon 5c Kiri Vehera Polonnaruwa (3) 1952 Dondra to Salem, Oreg. Shortpaid, so rated circled T centimes and ms 13 and opera glass New York, N.Y. G.P.O. Due 5 Cents.
CE520723 $15.00

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 Ceylon 5c QEII (2), 10c Coconut Palms, 15c Vesak Orchid, 25c KGVI Temple of the Tooth, Kandy and 50c Wild Elephants 1953 Nawalapitiya, Ceylon Airmail to Liege, Belgium,.
CE530714 $20.00

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 Ceylon 5c KGVI Coconut Palms 1957 Galle to Red Lion, Penn.
CE571208 $10.00

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 Ceylon 2c Sambar in Ruhuna National Park, 3c Ancient Guard Stone and 4c Kandyan Dancer 1960 Gampola Printed Matter to Heliopolis, Egypt with sl Insufficiently Paid for Air Service and circled T Centimes crossed out. Toning.
CE600523 $20.00