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 Mexico 10c Cuauhemoc Monument and 25c Eagle 1929 Servicio Aereo Mexico, D.F. Pan Am First Flight Mexico City to Matamoros. Muller 18.
MZ290309 $20.00

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 Mexico 10c Cuauhtemoc Monument and 25c Eagle in Flight 1929 Cia Mexicana de Aviacion First Flight Tampico to Tuxpan, Veracruz Onward to Fanwood, N.J. Muller 20.
MZ290309A $35.00

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 U.S. First Flight 2c and 5c Aeronautical Conference and 5c Beacon 1929 Pan Am First Flight Miami to San Juan, Puerto Rico. AAMS FAM F6-1. Dade county. UL290109 $15.00

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 Venezuela 5c and 1B Plane Over Map of Venezuela 1929 Maracaibo, Venezuela Pan Am First Flight to Cartagena, Colombia. One stamp damaged. AAMS F5-61f.
VZ290506 $20.00

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 Brazil 300R Mercury, 10R Fonseca Official Overprinted 50 Rs. and 600R Fonseca Official Overprinted 300 Rs. 1930 Cia Aeronautical Brasilera Linnas First Flight Natal to Recife with red boxed Correio Aereo Linnas C.A.B. EUROPEAN SIZE.
BZ300501 $20.00

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 Cuba 25c Arms of the Republic Overprinted 10c Correo Aereo Nacional 1930 Cia Cubana de Aviacion First Flight Havana to Santiago, Cuba Onward to Santa Clara, Cuba. Muller 22.
CU301030 $25.00

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 Cuba 25c Arms of the Republic Overprinted 10c Correo Aereo Nacional 1930 Servicio Aereo Nacional First Flight Camaguey to Santiago de Cuba. Muller 22.
CU301030A $25.00

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 Cuba 25c Arms of the Republic Overprinted Correo Aereo Nacional 10c 1930 Cia Cubana de Aviacion First Flight Santiago to Havana. Muller 22a Toning.
CU301031 $25.00

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 Jamaica 9d KGV 1930 Kingston, Jamaica Pan Am First Flight Kingston to Miami. AAMS FAM 5-67.
JM301210 $10.00

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 U.S. First Flight 5c Beacon and 50c Arlington Amphitheater Fourth Bureau 1930 Panagra First Flight Miami to Montevideo, Uruguay via Cristobal, Canal Zone. Toning. AAMS FAM F9-50. Dade county. UL300111 $20.00

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 Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika Kenya and Uganda 10c and 50c KGV 1931 Kisumu, Kenya Imperial Air Flight to Rampisham, England. Muller 7.
KE310310 $25.00

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 U.S. First Flight 5c Winged Globe 1931 Colorado Airways First Flight CAM 12 Albuquerque, N.Mex. to Trinidad, Colo. AAMS CAM R12S11. Bernalillo county. UL310901 $10.00

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 U.S. First Flight 5c Winged Globe 1931 Lorain, Ohio National Air Races Illustrated Envelope to Corona, Calif. including hs honoring Earle Ovington, First U.S. Air Mail Pilot. Cover signed by Earle Ovington. Lorain county. UL310901A $150.00

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 Brazil 200R Alfonso de Souza and VARIG-issued 350r Icarus 1932 VARIG First Flight Bage to Pelotas. Muller 173a.
BZ320720 $50.00

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 Colombia 5c Coffee Cultivation and 20c Magdalena River and Tolima Volcano Overprinted Correo Aereo 1932 Aereo Transversal and El Rio Magdalena y El Pacific Airlines First Flight Bogota to Buenaventura. Light stains. Muller 80.
CB320627 $40.00

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 New Zealand 3d Plane Over Lake Manapouri Overprinted Five Pence 1932 Wellington, N.Z. Air Travel Survey Flight to Westport. Stapleton 46b.
NZ320120 $30.00

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 U.S. First Flight 8c Winged Globe 1933 Pilottown, La. Airmail to Framingham, Mass. Illustrated Envelope commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the First Flight by F.A.M. 3 with sl Flown by Hydroplane April 9, 1933 New Orleans to Pilot Town F.A.M. 3 by Johnson Airways, Inc. Arthur O. Johnson, Pilot hs. Toning. Plaquemines county. UL330409 $20.00

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 U.S. First Flight 1c Green Jefferson Postal Card 1933 Moffett Field, Calif. to Waconia, Minn. with Illustrated hs Welcoming the U.S.S. Macon to Moffett Field. Santa Clara county. UL331015 $10.00

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 Alaska Fairbanks 1934 4c-bar Type 16 Emergency Airmail to Old Station Philatelic.
AK340321 $10.00

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 Alaska Flat 1934 4c-bar Type 4 Emergency Airmail to Anvik Type 4 Philatelic.
AK341101 $10.00