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 Denmark 5o Yacht and Summer Palace Marselisborg and 10o King Christian X in Streets of Copenhagen 1937, Kopenhavn Luftpost First Flight Kobenhavn to Esbjerg. Luning 174A.
DM370718 $15.00

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 U.S. First Flight 2c Navy 1937 Aircraft Base Force, U.S. Fleet, San Diego, Calif. Slogan U.S. Navy, Squadron 6-F First Mass Flight San Diego, Calif. to Pearl Harbor, T.H. with reverse F.A.B. & Atchd. Sqd. 6-F, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, T.H. AAMS 1276.
UL370128 $50.00

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 Alaska Circle Springs 1937 4c-bar Type 2 1929-1966 Emergency Airmail to Circle Type 6 Philatelic.
AK370520 $15.00

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 Alaska Flat 1938 4f-bar Type 6 Emergency Airmail to Anvik Type 4 Philatelic.
AK381024A $15.00

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 Switzerland 50c Biplane Overprinted 75 1938 Pro Aero 1938 Lausanne Swiss Air Special 'Pro Aero' Flight to Basel Onward to Brussels, Belgium. Muller 411.
SZ380522 $35.00

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 U.S. First Flight 5c Navy (4) and 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1938 Pan-Am First Flight Baltimore, Md. Airmail Special Delivery to Hamilton, Bermuda. AAMS F17-2. EUROPEAN SIZE.
UL380316 $20.00

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 U.S. First Flight 16c Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1938 Pacific Alaska Airways Inc. First Flight Juneau to Fairbanks, Alaska. AAMS F15-1.
UL380503 $15.00

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 U.S. First Flight 16c Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1938 Hartford, Conn. Airmail Special Delivery to South Norwalk, Conn. Illustrated Envelope commemorating National Air Mail Week, State of Connecticut, May 15-21, 1938. Hartford county. UL380515 $10.00

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 U.S. First Flight 16c Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1938 Akron, Ohio Airmail Special Delivery to New Haven, Conn. Illustrated Envelope commemorating National Air Mail Week, May 15-21, 1938, 20 Years of Air Mail Progress. Inscribed Akron-Kitty Hawk. Summit county. UL380515D $10.00

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 U.S. First Flight 16c Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1938 Bloomsburg, Pa. National Airmail Week, May 15-21, 1938, First Airmail Flight from Bloomsburg, Pa. Onward to Philadelphia, Penn. Columbia county. UL380519A $10.00

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 France 15c Mercury (2) and 35c+10c Callot Aid for Unemployed Intellectuals Semi-Postal 1939 Congres. et Expon. Philatques, Montpellier First Airmail Flight Montpellier to Marseille. Muller 454. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR390530 $20.00

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 Poland 25g Pilsudski, 25g Narutowicz, 25g President Moscicki and 25g Smigly-Rydz 20th Anniversity of Polish Independence Souvenir Sheet 1939 Warsaw 'LOT' LOT Polish Airlines First Flight Warsaw via Gdynia to Copenhagen. Muller 162. EUROPEAN SIZE.
PO390515 $50.00

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 Switzerland 10c+5c Girl of St. Gallen, 20c+5c Girl of Uri, and 30c+10c Girl of Aargau Pro Juventute Semi-postal , and 10c Deputation of Trades and Professions 1939 Schweiz Landesausstellung 1939 PTT Pavillon Zurich Pro Aero Flight to Winterthur. Inscribed Pro Aero Meldeflug with hs Eroffnung der Landesausstellung Meldeflug. Muller 427. EUROPEAN SIZE.
SZ390506 $20.00

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 Alaska Big Delta 1940 4f-bar Type 1 1925-1959 First Flight Toned at bottom.
AK400704 $10.00

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 Alaska Fairbanks 1941 machine Type 24 Emergency Airmail to Tetlin Type 2 1930-1966 Philatelic.
AK410121 $15.00

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 Alaska Nome 1941 numeral duplex Type 21 Emergency Airmail to Shishmaref Type 3 Philatelic.
AK410124B $15.00

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 Alaska Nome 1941 numeral duplex Type 21 Emergency Airmail to Council Type 6 Philatelic.
AK410124C $15.00

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 Alaska Nome 1941 numeral duplex Type 21 Emergency Airmail to Teller Type 4 Philatelic.
AK410124D $15.00

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 Alaska Fairbanks 1941 machine Type 24 Emergency Airmail to Eagle Type 7 Philatelic.
AK410127 $15.00

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 Alaska Fairbanks 1941 machine Type 24 Emergency Airmail to Franklin violet Type 3 1902-1945 Philatelic.
AK410127B $15.00