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Finland 50p+5p Aland Coat of Arms and 3.50M+35p Karelia Coat of Arms Semipostals 1942 Turku, Abo Airmail to Trollhattan, Sweden. Finland censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN420318 $20.00
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Finland 2M Lion Rampant and 3.50M Castle at Viborg 1942 Helsinki Airmail to Singen-Hohentwiel, Germany. Corner card Eduard von Veh, Dipl. Ing. Germany Censor (tape removed). EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN421107 $15.00
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Finland 35M Castle in Savonlinna 1943 Pori Airmail to Wasteras, Sweden. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN430324 $15.00
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Finland 50p Arms and 5M Castle in Savonlinna 1944 Grankulla, Kauniainen Airmail to Stockholm, Sweden. FInland censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN440925 $15.00
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Finland 20m Helsinki Post Office c1946 Sinetta to Swedish Diplomatic Legation c/o Minister Vijkman, Ottawa, Ont. Canada. Toning. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN460511 $15.00
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Finland 5m Sibelius and 8m Lighthouse at Uto 1946 Varppeenseutu Airmail to Evanston, Ill. Inscribed By Air to the United Kingdom. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN461001 $15.00
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Finland 1mk and 5 mk Arms, 5mk Sibelius and 8mk Lotsverket Lighthouse 1947 Helsinki, Helsinfors PPC Airmail to New York, N.Y. Light stain and bottom left corner rounded.
FN470614 $10.00
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Finland 5mk Jean Sibelius 80th Birthday (2) c1947 Helsinki, Helsingfors Printed matter to Stockholm, Sweden. Illustrated envelope showing the United Nations emblem. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN471205 $10.00
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Finland 3m+1m, Topelius; 7m+2m, Pacius; 12m+3m, Runeberg; and 20m+5m Cygnaeus Red Cross semi-postals 1948 Riihimaki Registered to Vienna, Austria. Austria Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN480513 $15.00
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Finland 1m (2) 7m and 12m (3) Coat of Arms 1948 Vieksi Airmail to Essex Fells, N.J.
FN480802 $10.00
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Finland 35m Castle in Savonlinna c1950 Helsinki Airmail to Hamilton, N.Y.
FN500000 $10.00
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Finland 1o Arms (3) and 5o Arms 1951 Jyvaskyla, Kanakoulu Kokous, Suurjuhlat Slogan to Kobenhavn, Denmark. 5o stamp damaged.
FN510602 $10.00
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Finland 15o and 20o Lion Rampant 1951 Helsinki Airmail to Chicago, Ill. Corner card Patenttitoimisto Suomea ja Ulkomarta varten, Helsinki. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN511017 $10.00
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Finland 20m Heraldic Lion c1952 Turku, Abo Air Letter Airmail to Yukon, Okla.
FN520323 $10.00
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Finland 20m Coat of Arms and 20m+3m 1952 Olympic Games Stadium Semipostal (2) 1952 Helsinki Airmail to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Toning and edgewear. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN520529 $15.00
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Finland 10m Arms of Finland 1954 Mariehamn Paquebot Printed matter 0to Unkel (Rhein), Germany. Philatelic..
FN541007 $20.00
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Finland 20m+3m Otter and 20m+3m Pine Marten Anti-Tuberculosis semipostals 1963 Pori to Cleveland, Miss. Some discoloration on stamps. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FN630116 $10.00
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Finland 10c Arms Postal Card 1897 Kangasala to Post Restante Are, Sweden Forwarded to Post Restante Lulea, Sweden.
FN!970616 $15.00
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Sweden 5o and 10o King Gustaf V 1917 PLK 359 Stockholn-Saltsjobaden PPC (Stockholm view) to Rautalampi, Finland Forwarded to Waajasalmii, Finland. Finland censor.
SK170805 $15.00
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Sweden 5o and 10o King Gustaf V 1919 Stockholm PPC (Stockholm - Sodra Blasieholmshemnen med Grand Hotel) to Helsinki, Finland Forwarded to Rautalampi, Finland. Finland censor.
SK190811 $15.00