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 France 1.50F View of Marseille and Church of Notre Dame 1933 Mulhouse-R. de France, Haut-Rhin Airmail to Freiburg, Germany. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR330121 $20.00

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 France 1.50F Plane and View of Marseille Church of Notre Dame and 2F Arc de Triomphe 1933 Paris 118, R. d'Amsterdam Airmail Registered to Gand, Belgium. Light stain at top. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR330615 $20.00

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 France 50c Peace with Olive Branch and 2F Arc de Triomphe (3) 1933 Paris R.P., Affranchissement Airmail to Hanoi, Tonkin. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR330627 $25.00

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 France 75c Peace with Olive Branch and 1.50F Paris International Exposition 1937 Le Bourget Port Aerien, Seine Airmail to Berlin-Grunewald, Germany. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR371122 $20.00

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 France 1.75F Ceres, 2F Windmill at Fontvielle (2), and 5F Mont Saint-Michel 1938 Paris 8B, 12 R. Clement Marot Airmail to Vienna, Austria.
FR380503 $20.00

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 France 1F Peace with Olive Branch (9) 1938 Dax, Landes Airmail to Sydney, Australia with reverse Chipppendale, N.S.W. receiver. One stamp damaged. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR380719 $15.00

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 France 75c Peace with Olive Branch and 2.25F New York World's Fair 1939 Antony, Seine Airmail to Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Barcelona Spain Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR390614 $20.00

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 France 2.25F Ceres and 10F Keep and Gate at Vincennes c1940 to New York, N.Y. Inscribed Via Clipper. Nicks and edge wear at right. Cancel unreadable. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR400000 $15.00

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 France 2.50F Ceres and 5F Carcassonne (2) 1940 Paris, Tribunal de Commerce Airmail to New York, N.Y.
FR400407 $20.00

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 France 50c Peace with Olive Branch, 5F Medieval Walls of Carcassonne (2) and 10F Keep and Gate at Vincennes 1940 Annecy, Haute-Savoie Airmail to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Light stains. Marseille France Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR400700 $25.00

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 France 50c Peace with Olive Branch and 3F Ceres (4) 1940 Paris, Bd. Richard Lenair Airmail to Stamford, Conn. Inscribed Via American Clipper. Corner card Etablissement Roliet. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR400829 $20.00

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 France 2.50F Ceres and 10F Keep and Gate at Vincennes 1940 Lyon, Rhone Airmail to New York, N.Y. Inscribed Via Transatlantic Air Mail. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR401218 $20.00

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 France 1F Iris, 1.25F Peace Overprinted 1F, 2.50F Ceres, and 20F Saint Malo Overprinted 10F 1941 Chambery, Savoie Airmail to New York, N.Y. Inscribed Par Clipper. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR410625 $20.00

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 France 18F and 30F Chaillot Palace and Eiffel Tower, Opening of UN General Assembly at Geneva 1951 Sarreguemines-Gare, Moselle Airmail to Furth, Germany. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR511116 $10.00

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 France 8F Petrarque, 18F Franklin, 20F Chopin and 30F Van Gogh 1956 Fontenay-Le-Comte, Vendee Airmail to Buenos Aires, Argentina. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR561112 $20.00

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 France 12F+3F Peasant Boy by Le Nain and 15F+5F Gilles by Natteau Red Cross Semipostals, and 1F Comtast Venaissih, 2F Angoumois, 3F Auais and 5F Saintonge Coats of Arms c1957 La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime Airmail to Freiburg, Germany. Illustrated Corner Card sl Lingvo Internationale Paris and reverse boxed Esperanto promotions. Reverse Label Not Tied De Martinus Danujo showing a pyramid. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR570000 $10.00

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 France 8F Marseille and 15F Marianne (2) c1957 La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime Airmail to Freiburg, Germany. Illustrated Corner Card Lingvo Internationale Paris with sl and reverse boxed Esperanto promotions. Reverse Label Not Tied De Martinus Danujo showing a pyramid. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR570000A $10.00

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 France 1F Comtat Venaissin, 2F Angoumois and 5F Saintonge Coats of Arms, and 15F and 20F Marianne 1958 La Rochelle, Charente Mme. Airmail to Freiburg, Germany. Corner card Esperanto sl Lingvo Internationale. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR580108 $10.00

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 France 25F+8F Women Beggars Red Cross Fund Semi-Postal and 65F Evian-les-Bains 1958 Airmail to Dallas, Tex. Cancel unreadable. Discoloration on stamps. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR580201 $10.00

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 France 20c Saint Lo Arms, 50c Marianne by Bequet, and 1F Fort de Bonaguil 1979 Poste-aux-Armees Airmail to Vienna, Austria with circular hs United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and UN emblem. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR790117 $10.00