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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail c1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 573 Le Mans, France 4084th Service Company to Columbus, Ohio. On with the March of Freedom, On with the Praise of Our Free Land; On with the Glory of the Red White and Blue, On with the Fighting for the Freedom for You, For We Are Yankees Through and Through Patriotic. Army Censor. Creases and light envelope gum stains.
AP440921J $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 778 Marseille, France 1st Signal Battalion Concession Airmail to Watertown, N.Y. Army Censor. Bit ragged at top.
AP440921K $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 658 Rochefort, France 3rd E.C.A. Regiment to Columbus, Ohio. Freedom Forever Patriotic. Army Censor. Creases.
AP440921N $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 79 Mirecourt, France 463rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Air Warning Battalion Concession Airmail to Redwood City, Calif. Army Censor. Creases.
AP440921P $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 114 Henneville, France 822nd Amphibious Truck Company Com Z ETO Concession Airmail to Bronx, N.Y. Army Censor. Creases, reduced at right into indicia and A.P.O. number written in ink.
AP440921R $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 113 Reims, France 3112th Signal Service Battalion Concession Airmail to Frederick, Md. Army Censor.
AP440922 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 778 Marseille, France 43rd General Hospital Concession Airmail to Long Island City, N.Y.
AP440922H $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 575 Colleville sur Mer, France 5th Engineer Special Brigade PPC to Nelscott, Oreg. EUROPEAN SIZE.
AP440922Q $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 60 Morlaix, France 134th Army Airways Communications Squadron Concession Airmail to Evansville, Ind. Light creases.
AP440922R $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Transport 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 58 Alencon, France 793rd Military Police Battalion Concession Airmail to Westfield, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440922V $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 3c Jefferson Prexie 1944 Santa Monica, Calif. to A.P.O. 230 Fougerolles du Plessis, France Forwarded to 1st B.P.O. with magenta sl Directory Searched A.P.O. 230 No Record Date 19 Oct 1944.
AP440923 $25.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 174 Vierville sur Mer, France to Pittsfield, Mass. Army Censor. Creases and stains.
AP440923AA $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Transport 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 52 St. Pierre Eglise, France 397th Engineers Blue Honor Envelope to Philadelphia, Penn. Base Censor.
AP440923E $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 35 Nancy, France Headquarters Company Engineers Battalion Concession Airmail to Pikesville, Md.
AP440923F $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army, Postal Service A.P.O. 533 Marseille, France 355th Coast Artillery Searchlight Battalion to Long Island, N.Y. with violet sl Address Insufficient Returned to Sender New York, N.Y. and No Post Office Named N.Y.P.O.I.S. Reverse Corner card American Red Cross. Base Censor. Creases.
AP440923G $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Transport 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 577 Morlaix, France 552nd Field Artillery Battalion Concession Airmail to Fort Collins, Colo. Army Censor.
AP440923L $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail c1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 658 Rochefort, France to Carey, Ohio. Army Censor. Creases at left and opening tears at top right.
AP440923U $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 45 Marseille, France 179th Infantry to Columbus, Ohio. Pledge I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for Which It Stands, One Nation Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All Patriotic. Army Censor. Light creases and envelope gum stains.
AP440923V $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 45 Marseille, France 179th Infantry to Columbus, Ohio. Liberty, We Will Follow Thee, for Our Burdens Will Bring Joy When You Light Our Way Patriotic. Army Censor. Creases and envelope gum stains.
AP440923W $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 113 Reims, France PPC to New York, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440924 $10.00