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 U.S. A.P.O.'s War and Navy Departments V-Mail Service Penalty 1944 [A.P.O. 634] Wellingborough, England Headquarters VIII Bomber Command V-Mail to San Francisco, Calif. Army Censor.
AP440215J $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service 527 Elveden, England 333rd Bomber Squadron PPC to Brooklyn, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440217A $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s War and Navy Departments V-Mail Service Penalty 1944 U.S. Postal Service No. 1 [A.P.O. 633] Kingston-on-Thames, England 423rd Signal Company V-Mail to Norwich, Conn. Army Censor.
AP440217E $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s War and Navy Departments V-Mail Service Penalty 1944 U.S. Postal Service, No. 3 [A.P.O. 638] Sunninghill, England V-Mail to San Angelo, Tex. Army Censor.
AP440217F $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 597 Blandford, England 494th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion Concession Airmail to Detroit, Mich. Base Censor. Creases, stains and opening tear at top.
AP440218D $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 560 Braintree, England 304th Service Group Concession Airmail to Baltimore, Md. Army Censor. Light creases.
AP440218E $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Transport 1944 U.S. Army, Postal Service A.P.O. 637 Watford, England VIII Fighter Command Concession Airmail to San Antonio, Tex. Army Censor. Creases.
AP440218F $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s War and Navy Departments V-Mail Service Penalty 1944 U.S. Postal Service No. 1 [A.P.O. 813] Victoria Barracks, Belfast, Northern Ireland 508th Parachute Infantry to Ludlowville, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440218G $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Transport 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 141 Aldermanston, England 370th Fighter Group Concession Airmail to Rock Springs, Wyo. Army Censor.
AP440219 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Transport 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 135 Honeybourne, England 427th Military Police Escort Guard Company Concession Airmail to Cortland, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440219A $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s War and Navy Departments V-Mail Service Penalty 1944 U.S. Postal Service, No. 3 [A.P.O. 586] Wendling, England V-Mail to Council Bluff, Iowa with violet boxed sl Reason for Non-Delivery Checked in pointing hand. Army Censor. Envelope creases.
AP440219D $20.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 508 Bristol, England 11th P of E Port Dispensary to New York, N.Y. Base Censor.
AP440219G $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 587 395th Service Squadron Kneittshall, England to York, Penn. The Hope and Pride Of America Patriotic. Army Censor.
AP440220 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 558 Bungay, England 12th Weather Squadron PPC to New York, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440220C $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s War and Navy Departments V-Mail Service 1944 U.S. Postal Service No. 3 [A.P.O. 638] Sunninghill, England 1054th Quartermaster Company V-Mail to Rolla, Mo. Army Censor.
AP440221B $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 640A Stoneleigh, England 307th Station Hospital Concession Airmail to Eugene, Oreg. Army Censor.
AP440221E $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 2 Armagh, Northern Ireland 23rd Infantry Concession Airmail to Oakland, Calif. Army Censor. Creases and ink stains.
AP440221H $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Monoplane Air Envelope 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 149 Sunninghill, England 82nd Airdrome Squadron Concession Airmail to Bronx, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440221K $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s Soldier's Free Mail 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 546 Debden, England 50th Fighter Cont. Squadron to A.P.O. 638 Sunninghill, England. Creases.
AP440221M $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 1c Four Freedoms and 5c Denmark Overrun Nations 1944 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 556 Bassingbourne, England 14th Station Complement Squadron Special Concession Airmail to New York, N.Y. Army Censor.
AP440222 $10.00