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 Kansas Topeka, Kans. 1900 Barry Machine Type L9(1) 5c Grant First Bureau to Germany Edge tear at right. Shawnee county. KS001116 $10.00

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 Kansas Hutchinson, Kans. 1905 American Flag Type B14 Postal Card Local use with violet pointing hand Returned to Writer Unclaimed Reverse Printed Advertising W.G. Haines Dealer in Pain, Wall Paper, Glass, Varnish, Etc. Creases at top and bottom right. Reno county. KS050120 $10.00

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 Kansas Hutchinson, Kans. 1908 American Flag Type B14(1) 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope with 3c Jackson 1902 Definitive to Netherlands Corner card The First National Bank Small creases at top left and bottom right. Reno county. KS080217 $15.00

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 Kansas Girard, Kans. 1909 American Flag Type B4 PC. Crawford county. KS090609 $10.00

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 Kansas Fredonia, Kans. 1909 Doremus Machine Type E PC. Wilson county. KS090907 $10.00

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 Kansas Girard, Kans. 1909 American Flag Type B4 PC. Crawford county. KS091027 $10.00

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 Kansas Abilene, Kans. 1911 American Flag Type B14 1c Washington Franklin (2) PPC to Canal Zone Some edge wear. Dickinson county. KS110329 $20.00

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 Kansas Atchison, Kans. 1911 American Flag Type B14(1) 3c Washington Franklin on 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope to Italy Corner card St. Benedicts College Edge wear. Atchison county. KS110527A $15.00

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 Kansas Arkansas City, Kans. 1912 Columbia Machine Type J6P PPC (Real Photo Manual Training School, Arkansas City, Kans.) Creases at bottom right. Cowley county. KS120916 $10.00

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 Kansas Hutchinson, Kans. 1913 American Flag Type B14(1) 1c Washington Franklin Imprint Single PC. Reno county. KS130108 $10.00

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 Kansas Girard, Kans. 1913 American Flag Type A4 PC. Crawford county. KS130513 $10.00

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 Kansas Wichita, Kans. 1914 International Machine Type International Dry Farming Congress and Exposition Oct 7-17 Wichita. U.S.A. 2c Washington Franklin Plate Number 6994 Single. Sedgwick county. KS140910 $10.00

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 Kansas Wichita, Kans. 1917 International Machine Type D42 International Wheat Show Oct 1-13, 1917 Wichita, Kans. Sedgwick county. KS170424 $10.00

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 Kansas Wichita, Kans. 1917 International Machine Type International Wheat Show Oct. 1-13-1917 Wichita, Kans. PC (Union Station). Sedgwick county. KS170520 $10.00

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 Kansas Fort Riley, Kansas 1917 American Flag Type A14 1855-1917 Color Flag Patriotic Bit reduced at right. Geary county. KS170904 $10.00

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 Kansas Wichita, Kans. 1917 International Machine Type International Wheat Show Oct. 1-13-1917 Wichita, Kans. Sedgwick county. KS171004 $10.00

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 Kansas Wichita, Kans 1917 International Machine Type International Wheat Show Oct. 1-13, 1917 Wichita, Kans. Postal Card. Sedgwick county. KS171008 $10.00

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 Kansas Funston Branch Junction City, Kans. 1917 Universal Machine DT400 1917-1920 PPC (Guard House, Fort Riley, Kansas) Stamp scuff and small crease at bottom right. Geary county. KS171014 $10.00

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 Kansas Funston Br. Junction City, Kans. 1918 Universal Machine DB300 1917-1920 PC. Geary county. KS180405 $10.00

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 Kansas Junction City, Kans. Funston Branch 1918 Universal Machine Type DT300 1917-1920 PC. Geary county. KS180729 $10.00