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France 3F United Nations and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860307A--LS $10.00
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France 3.20F Tricentenaire Diplomatic Relations with Thailand and 15F Guillaumet and Codos 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860308--LS $10.00
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France 2.20F Carnaval Venise a Paris and 2.20F+50c Retable d'Issenheim Colmar semipostal 1986 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card AND HS United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860327--LS $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860512A--LS $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium with boxed Bataillon Francais de F.I.N.U.L. SP 25019/A and red circular Regimenti Francais de L'ONU, FINUL Le Colonel. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860521--LS $10.00
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France 3.90F City of Science and Industry and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees 125 Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium with boxed Bataillon Francais de F.I.N.U.L. SP 25019/A and red circular hs Regimenti Francais de L'ONU, FINUL Le Colonel. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
FR860522 $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees United Nations Interim Peace-Keeping Force in Lebanon Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium.
FR860609 $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium. Illustrated Envelope Troupes Aeroportees. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR860609A $10.00
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France 2F Retour a la Paix and 3F Retour a la Liberte 40th Anniversary of WW2 Victory gutter pair and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium with oval hs Bureau Postal Militaire 125, Le Chef du Bureau. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860609B--LS $10.00
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Italy 100L Villa Campolieto and 200L Famous Ships (2) 1986 Naqoura Libano, Posta Militar Italair Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Italian participation. EUROPEAN SIZE.
IT860109 $10.00
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United Nations Soldier's Free Mail 1986 United Nations, Interim Force in Lebanon Airmail to Toulon, France. EUROPEAN SIZE.
UN860109 $10.00
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Belgium 13F Jakob Wiener, Engraver 1987 Bruxelles-Brussel 1000 Airmail to SP 25006 FINUL Paris Armees with Sector Dissous notice, sl Non Identifie a l'Annuaire des Officiers, and boxed Retour a l'Envoyeur. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
BE870421 $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1987 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium with hs and Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
FR870102 $10.00
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France 2F Retour a la Paix and 3F Retour a la Liberte 40th Anniversary of WW2 Victory and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1987 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR870529--LS $10.00
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France 1.90F Marianne 1987 Paris 16 R. Jean Richepin 16e to SP 25047 Forces des Nations Unies au Liban, Paris Armees with sl Retour Expediteur and N'Habite pas a l'Adresse Indique with Sector Dissous notice Inconnu 9e R.C.P. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR870823 $10.00
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France 3F United Nations and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1987 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to SHAPE, Casteau, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR870914--LS $10.00
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Italy 50l Rocca di Calascio, 100l Argonese, Ischia (3), 150l Miramare, Trieste (2) Castles 1987 Naqoura Libano, Posta Militaire Italair Illustrated Cancel Airmail to Vienna, Austria. LEGAL SIZE.
IT870104--LS $10.00
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France 10c, 20c, 1F and 2F Marianne 1997 Bureau Postal Militaire 125 to Frankenburg, Austria with UN Emblem UNIFIL Lebanon Pollog handstamp and Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR970409--LS $10.00
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France 10c, 50c, 1.25F and [2.50F] Marianne 1997 Bureau Postal Militaire 125 Airmail to Frankenburg, Austria with Corner card United Nations UNIFIL Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR970703--LS $10.00
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United Nations U.N. Offices in Geneva, Switzerland - 1.10F Palais des Nations Under Construction 2000 1211 Geneve Nations Unies to Frankenburg, Austria with UN Emblem UNIFIL Lebanon Pkw handstamp and Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. Also U.N. Base Post Office, Naqoura, Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
UNX000519--LS $10.00