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Massachusetts Malden c1885 cork killer 1819-1899 2c Washington and 10c Jefferson Banknote Registered. Middlesex county. MA!850407 $25.00
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Massachusetts Manomet 1886 target 2c Washington and 10c Jefferson Banknote Registered Opening tears at right. Plymouth county. MA!860922 $20.00
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Massachusetts Greenfield 1889 bar grid 2c Green Washington and 10c Jefferson Banknote Registered Corner card F.W. Wiliams, D.D.S. Ragged at right and some edge wear. Franklin county. MA!890201 $15.00
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Massachusetts Charlton Depot 1896 cds 1842-2002 2c Washington and 8c Sherman First Bureau Registered Tear and edge wear. Worcester county. MA!960807A $10.00
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Massachusetts Station S (Roslindale) Boston Registered 1896 violet serifed sl 1895-1897 10c Webster First Bureau. Suffolk county. MA!960901A $50.00
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Massachusetts Merrick 1897 cork killer 1880-1902 10c Webster First Bureau Registered. Hampden county. MA!971010 $75.00
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Massachusetts Lawrence Registry Division 1897 violet sl, cork killer 10c Webster First Bureau Registered. Essex county. MA!971215 $10.00
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Massachusetts Haverhill Reg. Div. 1899 violet sl, black cork killer 2c Washington and 8c Sherman First Bureau on 2c Washington Second Plimpton Envelope Registered. Essex county. MA!990211 $10.00
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Massachusetts Registered Cambridge Station Boston 1903 violet sl, black cork killer 1897-1908 10c Webster First Bureau. Middlesex county. MA030114 $10.00
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Massachusetts Taunton Registered 1903 violet double ring cds, black starburst 8c Sherman First Bureau on 2c Washington Hartford Envelope Corner card Corr Manufacturing Co. Wrinkles and edge wear. Bristol county. MA030619A $20.00
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Massachusetts Registered Haverhill 1904 violet sl 10c Webster 1902 Definitive. Essex county. MA041117 $10.00
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Massachusetts Warren Registered 1905 violet double ring 2c Washington Shield and 8c Martha Washington 1902 Definitive Top left corner clipped. Worcester county. MA050216 $10.00
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Massachusetts South Ashburnham 1903 cork killer 1890-1984 10c Webster 1902 Definitive Registered. Worcester county. MA060331 $10.00
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Massachusetts Registered Back Bay Sta. Boston 1906 violet sl 1897-1930 10c Webster 1902 Definitive. Suffolk county. MA060511 $10.00
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Massachusetts Gloucester Registered 1906 double ring cds, segmented cork 8c Martha Washington on 2c Hartford Envelope. Essex county. MA060621A $10.00
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Massachusetts Graniteville 1907 cork killer 1855-1976 10c Webster 1902 Definitive Registered Stamp damaged. Middlesex county. MA070216 $15.00
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Massachusetts Boston 1908 double oval 10c Webster 1902 Definitive Registered. Suffolk county. MA080101 $10.00
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Massachusetts Boston Reg. Div. 1912 violet double ring 10c Washington Franklin on 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope Registered Return receipt Forwarded. Suffolk county. MA120917 $10.00
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Massachusetts Boston Reg. Div. 1913 violet double ring 10c Washington Franklin on 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope Registered Return receipt Forwarded. Suffolk county. MA130707 $10.00
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Massachusetts Lawrence Registered 1915 violet double ring 12c Washington Franklin Reduced and small tear at top. Essex county. MA150304 $10.00