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 Maine Bangor, Maine 1900 Barry Machine Type K5(1) Elaborate Corner card Bangor House. Penobscot county. ME000917 $10.00

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 Maine Lewiston, Maine 1901 American Flag Type B14(1) 5c Grant Second Plimpton Envelope to Germany. Androscoggin county. ME010114 $10.00

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 Maine Portland, Me. 1901 Barry Machine Type K5(1) 2c Blue Liberty Postal Card to England. Cumberland county. ME010309 $15.00

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 Maine Augusta, Me. 1902 Barry Machine Type K5(1) TC Printed matter Illustrated Advertising State Board of Health. Kennebec county. ME020319 $10.00

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 Maine Bangor, Me. 1902 Barry Machine Type L6(1) P.O. Dept. M.O.B. Penalty. Penobscot county. ME020703 $10.00

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 Maine Bangor, Me. 1902 Barry Machine Type L6(1) P.O. Dept. M.O.B. Penalty. Penobscot county. ME020711 $10.00

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 Maine Camden, Maine 1908 American Machine Type B14 Illustrated Advertising The Dr. D.P. Ordway Plaster Co. Knox county. ME080000 $15.00

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 Maine Lewiston, Maine Received 1909 American Machine Type B24 Backstamp. Androscoggin county. ME091215 $20.00

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 Maine Lewiston, Me. 1910 American Flag Type B14(1) PC (Empire Theater). Androscoggin county. ME100526 $10.00

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 Maine Bangor, Maine 1911 American Flag Type A14 2c Washington Franklin PPC to Belgium Overstruck. Penobscot county. ME111103 $10.00

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 Maine Waldoboro, Me. 1912 Time Cummins Machine Type F131 PPC (Post Office and Custom House, Waldoboro, Maine) Crease. Lincoln county. ME120830 $10.00

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 Maine Lewiston, Me. 1912 American Flag Type B14 1c Washington Franklin PPC (Coram Library, Bates College, Lewiston, Me.) to Canal Zone Creases at top left and bottom right. Androscoggin county. ME121208 $10.00

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 Maine Old Orchard, Maine 1914 American Flag Type A14 1874-1929 PPC (View of the Pier, Old Orchard Beach, Me.). York county. ME140700 $10.00

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 Maine Bangor, Maine 1916 American Flag Type A14 Illustrated Advertising Penobscot Exchange. Penobscot county. ME160003 $15.00

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 Maine Rumford, Maine 1917 American Flag Type A14 1c Washington Franklin (2) to Canal Zone Corner card Stephens High School Small creases at top and bottom left. Oxford county. ME170111 $15.00

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 Maine Presque Isle, Maine 1917 American Flag Type A14 PC (Main Street). Aroostook county. ME170223 $10.00

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 Maine Calais, Maine 1917 American Machine Type A6. Washington county. ME170412 $10.00

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 Maine Portland, Maine 1917 American Flag Type A14 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope to Canal Zone. Cumberland county. ME170905 $20.00

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 Maine Lewiston, Maine 1918 Columbia Machine Type K8 Postal Card. Androscoggin county. ME180213 $10.00

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 Maine Lewiston, Maine 1918 Columbia Machine Type K8 Postal Card. Androscoggin county. ME180225 $10.00