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 New Jersey Pompton c1835 ms ms 10 1814-1847 Stampless Folded Letter Some toning. Morris county. NJ!350221 $50.00

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 New Jersey Holmdel, N.J. c1845 ms ms Paid 3 Stampless Cover Edge wear and corners bit rounded at top. Monmouth county. NJ!450627 $40.00

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 New Jersey Union City 1946 machine 5c Monroe Prexie to Switzerland. Hudson county. NJ460212 $10.00

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 New Jersey Bridge ton, N.J. c1850 serifed cds ms 5 Stampless Folded Letter. Cumberland county. NJ!500110 $15.00

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 New Jersey Princeton. N.J. c1850 green serifed cds, 5 in oval 1776-1838 Stampless cover Bit reduced at right. Somerset county. NJ!501017 $20.00

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 New Jersey Middletown Point 1851 serifed cds hs 5 1795-1865 Stampless Folded Letter. Monmouth county. NJ!510125 $40.00

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 New Jersey Allentown, N.J. 1851 ms ms 5 Stampless folded letter Spotting. Monmouth county. NJ!510127 $30.00

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 New Jersey Morris Town, N.J. 1853 serifed cds hs 5 Stampless Cover. Morris county. NJ!530128 $20.00

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 New Jersey Freehold, N.J. c1855 serifed cds hs Paid 3 in arc Stampless Cover. Monmouth county. NJ!550930 $20.00

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 New Jersey Riceville c1855 ms 1849-1866 3c Washington 1851 Issue Toned. Monmouth county. NJ!551011 $100.00

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 New Jersey Phalanx c1855 ms 1854-1858 3c Washington Nesbitt Buff Paper Envelope Crease at right. Monmouth county. NJ!551011A $100.00

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 New Jersey Little York c1855 ms ms Paid 3 1840-1856 Stampless Embossed Ladies Cover Ragged at right and corners rounded. Hunterdon county. NJ!551104 $20.00

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 New Jersey Brown's Mills c1858 ms 1850-1860 3c Washington 1857 Issue Tear at top. Burlington county. NJ!580706 $60.00

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 New Jersey Port Elizabeth 1857 ms ms 5 Stampless cover No back flap. Cumberland county. NJ!570901 $30.00

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 New Jersey Schraalenburgh c1858 ms 1851-1894 3c Washington 1857 Issue Water stain at bottom. Bergen county. NJ!580412 $25.00

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 New Jersey Hackensack c1858 serifed cds 3c Washington 1857 Issue. Bergen county. NJ!580508 $15.00

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 New Jersey Paterson c1858 serifed cds 3c Washington 1857 Issue Stamp with nick and no back flap. Passaic county. NJ!580600 $15.00

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 New Jersey Schraalenburgh c1858 ms 1851-1894 3c Washington 1857 Issue. Bergen county. NJ!580726 $25.00

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 New Jersey Deerfield Street c1858 ms 3c Washington 1857 Issue Soiled, tear and piece missing at top left. Cumberland county. NJ!581022 $10.00

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 New Jersey West Bloomfield c1858 serifed cds, circular bar grid 1831-1861 3c Washington Buff Paper Nesbitt Envelope Crease, edge tears and nicks at top left and right. Essex county. NJ!581201 $50.00
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