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 U.S. Fleet Post Office 20c Garfield Prexie on Navy Dept. Penalty 1944 New York, N.Y., 10947 Br. Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Registered to Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Penn. LEGAL SIZE.
FP440615A--LS $20.00

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 Iowa Decorah 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 15c Buchanan Prexie Registered Corner card Ben Bear Company. Winneshiek county. IA440223 $10.00

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 Iowa Muscatine Registered 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 20c Garfield Prexie. Muscatine county. IA440414 $10.00

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 Illinois East Saint Louis Sta. No. 10 1944 violet double ring 2c Adams and 25c McKinley Prexie Registered Return receipt Toning. Saint Clair county. IL441209 $10.00

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 Massachusetts Westport 1944 4f-bar 3c Win The War (2) and 15c Buchanan Prexie Registered. Bristol county. MA440118 $10.00

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 Massachusetts (Essex Sta.) Boston 1944 violet double ring 2c Adams and 25c McKinley Prexie Registered. Suffolk county. MA440609 $10.00

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 Massachusetts Back Bay Annex Boston 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 25c McKinley Prexie Registered. Suffolk county. MA441117 $10.00

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 Maryland N. Amphib. Trn. Base Solomons Br. Washington D.C. 1944 violet double ring 1942-1946 25c McKinley Prexie and 8c Transport Airmail Registered Bit reduced at left. Calvert county. MD440414 $25.00

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 Michigan Lincoln Park Registered 1944 violet double ring 1920-1954 3c Win The War and 25c McKinley Prexie. Wayne county. MI441110 $10.00

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 Michigan Hamilton Registered 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 20c Garfield Prexie. Allegan county. MI441214 $10.00

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 Military 5c Monroe Prexie (3) on Navy Department U.S. Naval Receiving Station Penalty 1944 Pascagoula, Miss. M.O.B. Registered to New York, N.Y. LEGAL SIZE. Jackson county. ML440307B--LS $15.00

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 Military 15c Buchanan Prexie on Navy Dept. Disbursing Office, Destroyers Atlantic Fleet, South Boston, Mass. Penalty 1944 Boston, Mass. U.S. Fleet Post Office Registered to U.S. Fleet Post Office Sta. 10095 Br. Camp Bradford, Norfolk, Va. LEGAL SIZE. Suffolk county. ML440325B--LS $15.00

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 Minnesota Pipestone Registered 1944 violet double ring 1c Washington, 3c Jefferson Coil Strip of 3 and 20c Garfield Prexie. Pipestone county. MN440429 $10.00

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 Missouri (Cabanne Sta.) Saint Louis Registered 1944 violet double ring DPO 3c Win The War and 25c McKinley Prexie Corner card Baepler's Pharmacy. Saint Louis City county. MO440722 $10.00

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 North Carolina Winston-Salem Registered 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 15c Buchanan Prexie. Forsyth county. NC440320 $10.00

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 Nebraska Wahoo Registered 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 5c Monroe and 15c Buchanan Prexie. Saunders county. NE440328 $10.00

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 New Jersey Newark Registered 1944 violet double ring 3c Win the War and 25c McKinley Prexie. Essex county. NJ440609 $10.00

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 New Jersey U.S. Army [Fort Dix Br.] 1944 violet double ring 3c Win The War and 20c Garfield Prexie Registered. Burlington county. NJ440710 $15.00

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 New Jersey Union Registered 1944 violet double ring 8c Van Buren and 15c Buchanan (2) Prexie. Union county. NJ440816 $10.00

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 New Jersey Hackensack 1944 violet double ring 2c Nations United and 25c McKinley Prexie Registered Return receipt. Bergen county. NJ440907 $10.00