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France 5c, 10c (2) and 2.20F Marianne 1985 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium with oval hs Officer Commanding, 58 Infantry Battalion and reverse Adjutant, 58 Infantry Battalion. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Corner card and hs. LEGAL SIZE.
FR851202A--LS $10.00
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Netherlands Port Betaald Veldpost Utrecht 1985 Utrecht to Givet, France. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon with handstamps: Brigade Libanon Kon Marechaussee, Adm. Inf. Cie (VN) Libanon, and Nederlands VN-Detachement Libanon. LEGAL SIZE.
NT850506--LS $10.00
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Netherlands 10c Numeral and 75c Queen Beatrix (2) 1985 Veldpost 95 Airmail to Givet, France with United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Corner card and Nederlands VN-Detachement Libanon hs. LEGAL SIZE.
NT850518--LS $10.00
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U.S. A.P.O.'s 44c Junipero Serra c1986 Army Postal Service to Contingent Francais au LibanSP25000 Armees Paris. with ms Inconnu SP25010, boxed Retour a l'Envoyeur, reverse Poste aux Armees and circled 302. EUROPEAN SIZE.
AP860515A $15.00
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Belgium 9F Zele, 9F Wavre, 10F Congo Stamp Centenary and 65F King Baudouin 1986 S.H.A.P.E.-Village Belgique Casteau Airmail Registered to BPM 125 Mission Diplomatic au Liban, Paris Armees with boxed Retour a l'Envoyeur, boxed N'Habite pas a l'Adresse Indique and ms Retour 7840 Bassilly and reverse ms Inconnu a la final and Poste aux Armees with small circled 302. EUROPEAN SIZE.
BE860725 $10.00
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Canada 68c Locomotive Envelope 1986 CFPO 5002, K0K 3R0 Camp Ziouani, Golan Heights to Gmuend, Austria. Corner card United Nations-Nations Unies Disengagement Observer Force. LEGAL SIZE.
CD861221--LS $10.00
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Canada 68c Spinning Wheel 1986 CFPO-5001 to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus UNFICYP. LEGAL SIZE.
CD861231--LS $10.00
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Canada 68c Spinning Wheel 1986 CFPO-5001 to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations-Nations Unies Force in Cyprus. LEGAL SIZE.
CD861231A--LS $10.00
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France 2F Retour a la Paix and 3F Retour a la Liberte 40th Anniversary of WW2 Victory gutter pair, 2.20F Documention Francaise and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium with oval hs Bureau Postal Militaire 125. Corner card and hs United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860103--LS $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860307--LS $10.00
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France 3F United Nations and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860307A--LS $10.00
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France 3.20F Tricentenaire Diplomatic Relations with Thailand and 15F Guillaumet and Codos 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860308--LS $10.00
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France 2.20F Carnaval Venise a Paris and 2.20F+50c Retable d'Issenheim Colmar semipostal 1986 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card AND HS United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860327--LS $10.00
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France 2F Retour a la Paix and 3F Retour a la Liberte 40th Anniversary of WW2 Victory gutter pair, 3F United Nations and 10F Mystere Falcon 900 Airliner 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium with United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Corner card and hs. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860512--LS $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860512A--LS $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees to Bassilly, Belgium with boxed Bataillon Francais de F.I.N.U.L. SP 25019/A and red circular Regimenti Francais de L'ONU, FINUL Le Colonel. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860521--LS $10.00
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France 3.90F City of Science and Industry and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees 125 Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium with boxed Bataillon Francais de F.I.N.U.L. SP 25019/A and red circular hs Regimenti Francais de L'ONU, FINUL Le Colonel. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
FR860522 $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees United Nations Interim Peace-Keeping Force in Lebanon Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium.
FR860609 $10.00
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France 3F United Nations 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail to Bassilly, Belgium. Illustrated Envelope Troupes Aeroportees. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FR860609A $10.00
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France 2F Retour a la Paix and 3F Retour a la Liberte 40th Anniversary of WW2 Victory gutter pair and 15F F-Aeau Aircraft 1986 Poste aux Armees Airmail Registered to Bassilly, Belgium with oval hs Bureau Postal Militaire 125, Le Chef du Bureau. Corner card United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. LEGAL SIZE.
FR860609B--LS $10.00